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Our weekly meal plan – 10/05/21

Welcome back to another weekly meal plan.

Last week, we were pretty much on plan. In the end, we did switch a few meals around. However, overall it was a successful weekly meal plan. This week we will be trying out a few new dishes but also enjoying some that we haven’t had in a while. I’ve found it is easier to have a little more balance rather than battling with the fussy eaters some times.

I have found that over the last few weeks we have started to automatically think about what we are eating without feeling like it is part of the diet. It is the same with our meal portions, these have started to decrease in size but I don’t feel as though I am missing out on what I am eating. Nothing is off bounds on Slimming World, it is just about being realistic and this is having an impact on the whole family as the changes are good for everyone. Even the kids have switched out their white bread for wholemeal.

Don’t be fooled though, we all still have a sweet tooth and love our treats and takeaways. We just do it a little more as a treat now rather than the norm!

Back to this weeks meal plan, here is what we have cooking this week:

Our weekly meal plan – 10/05/21


Tandoori salmon  – We haven’t had this dish in a while. To make it Slimming World friendly I am using fat-free yoghurt. I just serve this with rice and vegetables.

Tuesday –

Chicken tikka sizzler – This is a new dish we are trying out. You are meant to have it with flatbreads, however, I am going to serve it with rice to make it a little healthier. The recipe is being made using a spice mix from Spice-N-Tice. If you would like to give them a go, this link will get you 20% off.

Wednesday –

Egg, beans & tomatoes – I know we have this every week but we take a long walk on a Wednesday so it needs to be something quick. I love how simple this dish is.

Thursday –

Chilli con Carne – An easier dinner tonight as this is already in the freezer. It is just a case of heating through and cooking some fresh rice.

Friday –

Takeaway – Friday nights are family time, we still enjoy a takeaway and a movie.

Saturday –

Slimming World chicken in black bean sauce – I love Chinese food and as we are not having as many takeaways I am going to give this a try. Just hoping it doesn’t disappoint!

Sunday –

Roast – This will be dependant on what we pick up with the shopping.

I am looking forward to this weekly meal plan, there is the right balance between new and old. I know the kids are likely to be a bit fussy over the meals coming up but they are going to have to give things a try. You never know, they might actually like something different for a change! Over time I know their taste buds will change but sometimes it has been a little challenging to feed everyone something they enjoy without making multiple meals!

One recipe I am really looking forward to is the chicken tikka sizzler, if this is any good I will be putting in an order at Spice-N-Tice to try out some more recipes.

If you are after some more inspiration you can check our previous weekly meal plan here. Alternatively, why not check out our Pinterest boards here for more inspiration. If you have a family favourite, even the fussiest of eaters will eat, please share it in the comments below for a little inspiration!

Our weekly meal plan - 10/05/21

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