Good morning and welcome back to another weekly meal plan.
Last weeks meal plan was terrible…
Not so much the meals themselves but our laziness to cook them! Resulting in too much junk and a 3lb gain on the scales. In fact, the only pounds lost were the financial kind.
So we are back on the meal plan and trying to stick to it a lot better than we did last week. This week we are sticking to easy home cooked meals that we can all enjoy, with little effort or fuss. It is all about just finding our routine and not being lazy!
Our meal plan – 21/01/19:
Monday –
Chicken burgers and chips – Quick and simple meal to cook but very tasty.
Tuesday –
Mexican lentils and rice – This is in the freezer as a leftover, so perfect for post-work dinner.
Wednesday –
Chicken fajita – We haven’t had these for a while, so I’m looking forward to them this week.
Thursday –
Smoked haddock, potatoes and green beans – Again another supermarket yellow sticker, this fish will be yummy but quick to do.
Friday –
Takeaway – Kids will be picking.
Saturday –
Burgers and chips – We have family over in the evening so it is a quick dinner option for us tonight.
Sunday –
Beef stew – I picked up some reduced beef last week and popped it in the freezer. Going for a delicious slow cooker beef stew this week with dumplings.
Nothing fancy on this menu during the week but they are all meals that we will enjoy to eat with minimal effort to make. We just need to make sure we stay on plan this week!
If you are after some more inspiration, you can check out our previous meal plans here. I also have lots of great recipes pinned over on my Pinterest too, you can find me here.