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Our weekly meal plan 21/09/20

Good morning and welcome back to this weeks meal plan.

We’ve survived the first 3 weeks of term, only 5 more to go! I have found meal planning has made life so much easier since we have settled back into our new normal routine, I mean there are so many days when I get home and just can not be bothered to think about what is for dinner. This way I just make sure before I head to work I have everything defrosting if it needs to be. Then when I get in I can just cook our dinner when we are ready.

As always we are trying out a few new dishes every now and then, sometimes they are more successful than others but we will keep going. I recently asked bloggers to share their family favourite recipes, you can read that post here if you are after some inspiration.

Now for this weeks meal plan:

Our meal plan – 21/09/20

Monday –

Toad in the hole – It has been a while but it is time for some yummy comfort food!

Tuesday –

Tandoori salmon and rice – Another one we’ve not had in a while but this recipe is amazing, it is also quick too.

Wednesday –

Chicken pie – I can’t wait for these! We brought these individual pie dishes and they are perfect for freezing extra pies when we make them, saving me time at a later point.

Thursday –

Pasta – Not sure what with but easy dinner.

Friday –

Takeaway – Time for our weekly “get out of cooking dinner” card!

Saturday –

Chilli con Carne – Another meal using up what is in the freezer.

Sunday –

Roast or stew – This will all be dependant on the weather this week and what I can get from shopping.

Nothing new on the meal plan this week however lots of meals we have not had in a while. Here’s to hoping this week’s meals are a success and one less thing to stress about! I’m planning on using up the leftovers in our freezer next week ready to restock it and go again into the Autumn months.

If you are after some more inspiration you can check our previous weekly meal plan here. Alternatively, why not check out our Pinterest boards here for more inspiration. If you have a family favourite, even the fussiest of eaters will eat, please share it in the comments below for a little inspiration!

Our weekly meal plan 21/09/20

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