I love Christmas, it is no doubt my favourite time of the year. There is nothing more special that the whole magic of the build up to Santa coming and the presents appearing under the tree.
But Christmas is much more than just the gifts, it is a family time for us, especially since Kayleigh and Ethan came along.

We always have a nice break from work over Christmas by finishing on the 23rd December at the latest ready for the festivities. We then head out on Christmas Eve visiting our family delivery their presents, a bit like Santa, before heading home for our Christmas to start.

I always prep our Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve, whilst we wait for our pizza to arrive. We then all snuggle down to a good old Christmas movie and pizza. Then we get ready for Santa to arrive.
The kids leave santa a mince-pie and a glass of milk followed by some carrots for Rudolph then head to bed in fits of giggles, excitedly awaiting Santa’s arrival and the delivery of their presents. You know they are shattered but can hear then trying to whisper to each other quietly, whilst listening out for Santa’s arrival, straining their ears for the sound of his sleigh bells.

Then that morning comes.
You know the one, the house is bubbling with excitement, everyone is desperate to get into the living room to see if they’ve been good but no one wants to be the first one up.
Then all mayhem breaks loose when you enter the living room, it starts off with them opening a gift at a time then you end up with wrapping paper everywhere and presents being opened all over the place, gasps of excitement and joy, boxes galore and the carpet disappearing under a mountain of gifts and their packaging.

Now any other day of the year I’d be there picking it all up, organising it into nice neat piles but not this day.
This day is all about family, our little family.
I love being able to eat what you like whenever you like on Christmas morning.

I love just sitting on the floor playing with all the new games and toys.
I love that fact you can cook your Christmas dinner whilst in your pj’s, listening to someone playing their new game or toys in the living room.
I love being able to snuggle up on the sofa in the evening with Daddy Vs Work when the kids have gone to bed with that little feeling of content and happiness inside knowing the kids have gone to bed with memories that they will never forget.
This year however it is even more important to me than before.
Last year our Christmas pretty much became a write off following the accident. I was going through so much at that point with the pain & anxiety plus I taking so much medication that I wasn’t myself at all.
I am disappointed and maybe even a little angry, last year would have been the year that Ethan got the whole idea of Christmas yet I never got to enjoy it with him. I feel like that little bit of that Christmas magic was taken away from me and I’ll never be able to get that back.
So I am even more determined than ever to make this year magical. I’m going all out this year with letters to santa and his replies, yummy food and our house is looking beautifully decorated. Plus we’re even off to have tea with Santa this week but they have no idea.

They won’t stay little forever and one day they wont even believe but why they do I will be making the most of it!
Merry Christmas! This post is my entry into the Tots100/Argos 12 Days of Christmas competition