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Round up of 2018 in the Mummy Vs Work household

Round up of 2018 in the Mummy Vs Work household

Good morning and a very Happy New Year to you all.

I hope the festive period has been kind to you all and you have managed to rest up and recharge 😊

2018 has come to an end already and scarily we are in 2019 already. It just seems the last 12 months have flown by in the blink of an eye really with so many changes in our household.

My first post of the year I wanted to be a bit more of a focus on 2018, the goals I set and whether we achieved any of them. I don’t stick to them religiously, but I do like to have a focus on my plans for the year ahead. There will be another post coming up in the week with 2019 and there are some scary goals on there for me to achieve this year!

But for now, we will focus on 2018.

The last 12 months have been a bit of a whirlwind as both Daddy Vs Work and I have moved into new full-time employment. Our jobs are always busy, and the weeks pass quickly however in a way it is good, it means our working days go quick and we get to spend time together in the evenings and weekends.

Healthwise 2018 was not bad for us really, although we had a few coughs and colds, no one was extremely ill which was very good. It was nice to have a year without too much on the health front!

The kids have continued through school with Kayleigh now in year 5 and Ethan into year 4. No real issues really, they are both doing great and trying hard which is what we ask of them both.

2018 goals

I set some goals in early 2018 for me to aim for. I don’t class it as a failure if they are not achieved however, I do like to try and complete them where possible. After all, what is the point of setting them if they are not achieved?!

Here is how we did:

Personal goals –

  1. Make Friday night family night again – Some weeks we achieved this and others we didn’t. This will still need improvements in 2019!
  2. Lose 1 ½ stone – Nope nowhere even close! In fact, I think I probably put on half stone last year… I am aware weight means nothing and you should be happy in your skin but I’m not at the minute. I am too uncomfortable with the extra weight and the way I feel sluggish, so this is a big one to tackle in 2019.
  3. Take time out – I have been a bit better at points during the year but did spend the last 2 months of the year getting up around 5.30 to get blog work done so this is still on the need to improve list.
  4. Clear debts – Some done but there is still more to go so we will be focusing on those again this year, so we can get work to the house done and eventually start overpaying our mortgage!

Work goals –

  1. Double my monthly stats – Nope nowhere close, I gave up for a while in the year and took a break from blogging. I think I need to focus and plan 2019, once this is done, I can focus on the stats and other things.
  2. Break the 1 million reaches on Pinterest – Smashed this! It is now 3.7 million, I did at one-point reach almost 5 million but over Christmas, I backed off my Pinterest a bit so need to get myself back on track with this.
  3. Increase my income – With 3 months left to go, I have almost earnt as much this year on the blog as I did last year. It has not increased as much as I would have liked but I am going to focus on a few different income sources this year.
  4. Focus more on content and less on reviews – Didn’t really do that for the first 10 months of the year but have now started to say no to more reviews on the blog. I am planning my schedule for the first 3 months this week so plan to ensure I don’t take on more reviews that we would like to do!
  5. Consider writing about Pinterest for the blog – I considered it but don’t really feel like an expert enough to help others out. I can give tips and advice but would anyone really want to pay for that when there is so much free stuff on the internet, probably not!

All in all 2018 was a kind year to us, it let us get back on track with so many things.

2019, however, is the year that we push on and go get those other things ticked off the list!

Round up of 2018 in the Mummy Vs Work household

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