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Starting to look at a more self-sufficient way of living

Starting to look at a more self-sufficient way of living

This is an Ad but all thoughts and words are our own.

With the cost of living rising, not just financially but to the planet, we are looking at ways to live a little more self-sufficient in the way we live.

Now before I start this post I just want to point out that I am not an eco-warrior at all, I do try but I know I could do so much more in the way we live to improve our footprint on the planet. For us, though it also comes down to more than that.

Money is already tight with so much work still needing to be done at home and various long term plans, so what is it going to be like for us in 20-30 years time when we are looking to retire? Cost of living is rising daily and at the rate, it is going, it is highly likely that it will eventually pass our income.

So, for us, we need to look at ways to live a little more self-sufficient at home. There are some simple steps to get started on this and not all can be done straight away so we will be looking to slowly adjust and bring them in.

I expect it to be a learning curve along the way, for starters, I am the worst gardener in the world, in fact, I’m pretty sure I can kill the hardiest of plants…

Anyway, here are our steps to living a more self-sufficient lifestyle:

  • Solar panels – With the rising costs of power we are seriously considering getting solar panels on our home. This can be used to power our home and even earn a little bit back as it is brought back into the grid. The only downside to these currently is the costs involved with installing these, it is a long term plan at the minute.
  • Vegetable garden – As soon as our garden is sorted we are planning to put some raised beds in there so we can grow our own fruit and vegetables. This is a great way to cut costs long term but also eat healthier. Trago has kindly produced the infographic below for those looking to grow their own herbs, it’s a great starting point.
  • Compost bin – Another one for the garden but an easy one. To save waste going in the bin, anything that can be broken down and re-used in the compost bin will be heading that way!
  • Keeping chickens – I’m not sure how the dogs will feel about this but we love eggs and this is a great way to have fresh eggs from the garden and help feed the family.

This is just the start of some plans we have coming up, some are happening soon and others may be a little while away but they are all great steps towards a more self-sustaining lifestyle.

Starting to look at a more self-sufficient way of living

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