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Surprisingly Simple Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem

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Having self-esteem is something that is very important for just about everyone. If you have high self-esteem, you are less likely to feel self-conscious and more likely to go after your dreams, whether they be dreams of travelling the world, starting your own business or applying for your dream job role, Whereas, if your self-esteem is low, you are far less likely to take a chance and try something new.

That being the case, if you are someone with low self-esteem, it will undoubtedly be good for your health and wellbeing if you try to do something about it. With that in mind, below you will find some surprisingly simple things you can do to start boosting your self-esteem today.

Practice positive affirmations

One of the simplest things you can do to boost your self-esteem right now is to start practicing positive affirmations. These are basically short phrases you can say to yourself over and over in your head to be your own cheerleader.

A popular affirmation, for example, is to say “I am worthy,” another is to say “ I can do anything I put my mind to.” basically, the goal is to think about all of those things that are causing you to take a hit on your self-esteem, and then to use positive affirmations to transform them in your head. You might feel silly doing so at first, but once you notice that they actually work, you will be hooked, and anyway, no one knows you’re repeating affirmations in your head anyway, so what do you have to lose?

Change something about your appearance

We should not get our self-esteem from the way we look alone, but there is no denying that, for a lot of people, it is true to say that when they look good, they feel good too. So, if you are self-conscious about your wonky teeth, why not look at the latest teeth straightening options or if you know you always feel better when you are smartly dressed, why not treat yourself to a new wardrobe? This is an easy way to start looking and feeling better, and once again, you have nothing to lose by improving your appearance whatever that looks like to you.

Set yourself realistic goals

Many people end up with low self-esteem because they set themselves impossible challenges. Then, when they fall short, they think they have failed and that they are and always will be a failure. This is not the case.

The thing is, when it comes to goals, it is much smarter to set small, realistic and achievable goals, that still offer you a bit of a challenge. These goals will be much more simple to achieve which will give your self-esteem an immediate boost and ensure that you stay on track and don’t give up.

So, even if you have a big dream goal to go for, break it down into lots of little ones and the positive momentum will boost your confidence and help you stay on course to achieve whatever it is you want to achieve.

Surround yourself with positive people

If you are looking to boost your self-esteem, the last thing you need is for the people around you to all be negative Nellies who are always complaining about this and that and putting themselves, and you down, so it could be a good time to sit down and really think about the people in your life.

Think about those people who truly build you up and whose company you always feel more confident in and spend more time with them, while also making an effort to spend less time with the people who bring you down and you will start to feel much more self-confident in no time at all.

Look after yourself

Making an effort to look after yourself each day, whether it’s eating healthy and exercising for your health or having a hot bath so you can unwind after a long day, will almost certainly help to boost your self-esteem right now by signalling to yourself that you are worth it, Self-care is not optional if you want to be happy, healthy and confident about who you are, so no matter how busy you are, do not neglect it.

As you can see, there are lots of small things you can do to boost your self-esteem right now, so why not pick the one you feel is most achievable for you at this moment and get started? Good luck.