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That decision to become a family

I was with my other half for almost 7 years before we decided to start a family. It wasnt a rash decision that “just happened” or an accident everything was planned from the beginning.

We had just brought our first house and felt that this was the right time to become a family of 3. For the first time we felt secure enough in our own finances and home to be able to bring a baby into the world.

We were fortunate and very lucky to fall pregnant straight away with both of our children but I did find that I became obsessed with everything pregnancy related as soon as we decided to start trying! I was watching for every little early signs of pregnancy I knew of and was fretting of everything that could go wrong. The moment I found out I was pregnant I would be using a due date calculator to find out when I was due and counted down the days till my due date!

The funny thing is though with my first pregnancy I could tell you what stage of the pregnancy I was at in weeks and how many days till I was due. Yet with Ethan I couldn’t remember any of that! I think I was just much more relaxed second time round it didn’t seem like such an issue. Saying that everything was pretty much more relaxed second time round, I didn’t seem so concerned about what I ate, I wasn’t concerned about how I slept or how stressed I got. I just seemed to be able to enjoy being pregnant and make the most of it.

Taking that decision to have a family is the best decision I ever took. Yes it’s not always been easy and things haven’t always gone to plan but I have 2 of the most gorgeous children in the world and I feel very blessed to be their mother.

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