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The Ordinary Moments #5 – Fussy eaters

The Ordinary Moments #5 – Fussy eaters

I missed last weeks Ordinary Moments post as we had just been so busy, I didn’t really have anything to say. I mean, I don’t think anyone is really interested in the fact I did a deep clean on the house at the weekend.

This week though we have been out to celebrate my dad’s 60th birthday. Eating out can be a little bit of a pain as the kids are really fussy when it comes to food, for example when we have been abroad in the past, they are the children you see eating chicken nuggets and chips or pizza. They have just never really been ones to try out different foods. Yesterday though we headed to an all you can eat buffet in town that had everything from Chinese, English, Indian, Italian and lots of other cuisines to pick from.

Before we left I had spoken to the kids about trying new dishes. If there was ever a good time to try out new foods, at an all you can eat buffet was always the perfect time for it. I was never expecting them to try everything on offer but they did surprise me. The first thing Kayleigh wanted to try out was Sushi! She didn’t love it but at the same time ate 3 pieces, so that was a winner. She also had spicy chilli chicken and dim sum, but finished off the meal with prawn crackers and pizza!

Ethan started off safe with pizza, chicken balls and crackers. He did also try lamb curry, naan bread, sushi and dim sum! He didn’t eat loads of each, but the fact he tried more than a nibble of them was a vast improvement!

I know there are still some battles ahead with our fussy eaters, however, at least they are starting to realise there is more to food other than pizza and chicken nuggets with chips!

The Ordinary Moments #5 - Fussy eaters The Ordinary Moments #5 - Fussy eaters

The Ordinary Moments

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