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Ways to keep the kids entertained without electronics

Ways to keep the kids entertained without electronics

If we are all honest, we probably spend a little bit too much time on electronics than we should do.

Let’s face it, it is easy to lose 5-10 minutes here and there when you just pick up your phone to read a news article or just social media. So it is no surprised our kids are growing up the same way, is it? I’m not just talking about other children here, this includes our children too.

So what can you do to keep the kids entertained during the family time without spending a fortune?

  • Head out for a walk/bike ride – Getting out in the fresh air is good for the whole family, it helps clear the mind and lungs plus is a great form of exercise. Whether you all get out to walk the dog or just go to discover the area near you. Get out and about and enjoy time together whilst getting fit.
  • Get creative in the kitchen – Lots of kids love getting in the kitchen and helping out. Now I know this can be stressful at times (it drives me insane!) however it is something they love to do and after you end up with a delicious meal or pudding! These Smarties cookies are always a big winner.
  • Play some board games – There is a board game for everyone, whether you are looking for something quick to play such a Jenga or something a little more complicated like Monopoly. They are not only fun but a great way to learn new skills and abilities such as problem solving and tactics. One thing I love about board games is they can bring everyone together, no matter what their age or abilities. Bathing Solutions has done a great post lately on the best board games for people with disabilities and they got it spot on when they said it is great for both our physical and mental health. You can read the full article here.
  • Start reading more – I am guilty of this, I hardly read at all. Now is a great time to get some reading in as a family, take time to snuggle on the sofa and get your books out. Then you can spend some time talking about your books after.

These are just some suggestions on keeping the kids entertained without electronics whilst you spend some time together. Family time doesn’t need to revolve around electronics however you don’t need to feel bad about using electronics when you want to either. It is all about finding that balance that works for you and your family.

Ways to keep the kids entertained without electronics

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