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What 2020 has actually taught me

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2020 has been a strange year, I never would have guessed how this year would have turned out even if I tried. Throughout all the negatives though, there have been some positives to come out of the year.

I won’t say it has been all rosy, it hasn’t, there have been worries for health and money alongside stresses of homeschooling and work. With this in mind though, I always try and take positives out of life where I can, try and look for the sunshine even in the storm.

Here is what 2020 has taught me:

  1. Life is unpredictable – There is no way to know how life is going to pan out, regardless of your plans. There have been so many heartbreaking stories coming out of this year that it has made me realise how much we need to plan ahead for the unexpected. Neither Daddy Vs Work or I have a will, so this is now on the to-do list. We both have life insurance though, we have had this since we brought our home. I do need to look at it though to ensure that should the worse happen to either of us, we know the other and kids are secure. So many people don’t like to talk about these things but it is not being morbid at all, it is about ensuring your families future should the worse happen and this year has proven that it can happen at any age!
  2. Don’t make excuses – I always make excuses when it comes to growing my blog “I’m too busy to progress” “I don’t have time to do the background work” “Other’s are just better than me”. Then lockdown came along and I wanted to ensure we were covered should the worse happen with jobs. During this time around work, I was busy getting this blog back on track as well as 2 different blogs. Building them up and getting the rewards has reignited the passion for blogging and working from home.
  3. Be grateful – More than anything this year, I have learnt to be grateful. I am grateful for having a loving family, a roof over our head and food in our bellies. We are extremely fortunate that we are in the position that we are and I don’t take anything for granted any more. I will keep ploughing on and working hard to ensure that we are always in a position to keep going as we are, being able to work from home is something I am forever grateful for.

Even though the bumpy year has thrown so much at us, at times it has felt overwhelming. When you sit back and look at what you have learnt about yourself, you may be surprised at how far you have come. I love reading other peoples thoughts on 2020 and this post on 5 reasons to be grateful, sums it up!

What 2020 has actually taught me

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