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Wise Words Wednesday with Kerry

It’s Wednesday so this only means one thing here on Mummy Vs Work.

The time has come for another blogger to take to the hot seat of Wise Words Wednesday!

This week we have the very lovely Kerry from Money Saving Journeys.

Kerry’s blog is full of money making and saving ideas. As well as lots of other great things such as family days out that don’t break the budget. Time for her to take to the hot seat.

Tell us a little bit about you and your blog.

Hello, my name is Kerry and I blog over at .  I am a married mum of two (a 16 year old and a 12 year old).  Both my husband and I work part-time, overlapping on hours for childcare purposes.  I blog in my spare time about lots of things, but mainly about money saving, money making, food and travel.

What inspired you to start blogging?

I loved reading blogs and had always wanted to start one.  Many years ago, when the children were a lot younger, I started a blog on  I found that I couldn’t devote the amount of time to it that I wanted and I stopped.  Now the children are older, I have found little pockets of time appearing and the idea of starting a blog began to surface again.  Around the same time, I decided I wanted to investigate ways to increase our income – both from money saving efforts and money making efforts and the motivation for this was to travel more and to save for our dream house.  It seemed a natural step to bring all the aspects together to provide a way of documenting our journey and I took the plunge and went self-hosted from the start.

What has been your highlight of blogging?

My highlight has to be the community of supportive and like-minded people I have stumbled upon – many of them fellow bloggers.  The bloggers I have come across in ‘real life’ have been so helpful and willing to share advice.  There are not many areas in life where you can say this.

Is there anything you have learnt about blogging which you wish you knew when you started out?

Yes loads!  Before I started blogging I had no idea what a plugin or a widget was.  Once you start though, you become slightly obsessed and I find people’s eyes glazing over as I am talking to them!

Bloggers sometimes get a lot of stick however many work really hard and are reaping the rewards, what has been the most rewarding part of blogging for you?

I think part of my answer to the ‘highlights’ of blogging would fit here too.  From a personal point of view, blogging has given me the push to try things I haven’t tried before.  For example, in my quest to make money I have signed up to survey sites, begun matched betting, creating products, ebooks and am also now thinking of starting a side hustle with my eldest son (as soon as he finishes his GCSEs).

What would be your 1 tip you would give to all bloggers starting out?

Just start!  You can spend so much time designing your website, playing with widgets and plug-ins and generally trying to get everything perfect but that never really stops.  I am still ‘fiddling’ with things on a daily basis.

Who do you find inspiring to watch/read in the blogging world?

Emma Drew who blogs at and Francesca who blogs at  .  I had been reading their blogs for a while and finally plucked up the courage to approach them with questions prior to starting my blog.  They were both so friendly and helpful and I still love reading their blogs as they are full of great information.

Lastly – do you have any big plans/dreams for your blog in the next 12 months?

My main goal is work hard to grow my readership.

WWW Kerry

Thank you Kerry for taking the time to answer our hotseat questions.

If you are enjoying this series make sure you head back to the site where you can catch up with all Wise Words Wednesday posts.


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