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Tips to Help Snoring and Breathing Difficulties

Snoring and difficulty breathing is a common problem affecting people of all walks of life. Not only can it be troublesome for our partners but it can also affect the quality of your own sleep. Sometimes referred to as sleep apnea, you can feel tired throughout the day and suffer a number of other symptoms. If you present any of the following it could be beneficial to try out some of these tips to improve your sleep.

Tips to Help Snoring and Breathing Difficulties


Awakening feeling tired – One of the most common complaints of snoring and breathing difficulties is never feeling like you get a good night’s rest.

Headaches – Poor sleep can lead to headaches, especially in the morning due to a night of poor sleep.

Weight gain – Inadequate rest can leave the body craving extra energy via carbohydrate and protein-rich foods, causing you to have an increased appetite.

Pauses in breathing during sleep – Instances of paused breathing while you sleep are a symptom of sleep apnea, contributing to breathing difficulties.

Poor attention span or memory – Another common symptom of poor sleep commonly attributed to snoring or breathing difficulties.


While snoring and breathing difficulty may not seem like a very serious condition, it’s important to understand the health benefits related to a satisfying night’s sleep. Those who experience a high-quality rest report that they are better able to deal with complex problems, have a better attention span, remember things clearly and are better able to tackle the day ahead. Some of the most common treatments include:

Exercise – A good fitness routine can work wonders for breathing difficulties. Those with thicker necks experience more severe symptoms. Exercising can help negate this, as well as strengthening the muscles in the neck which helps combat sleep apnea.

Adjustable beds – Modern medicine has shown that, especially with severe cases of sleep apnea and hypopnea, changing your sleeping position can open your airways. This can improve and even remedy the condition altogether. Adjustable beds allow you to change how you sleep by changing the surface you sleep on. You can check out adjustable bed prices here as well as a wealth of information on the benefits of owning one.

Sleeping position – Although not as effective as adjustable beds, less serious cases of snoring and breathing difficulties can be partly remedied by changing the position in which you sleep. This condition is more likely to affect those who sleep on their back; a common suggestion is to try sleeping on your side. Doctors suggest sewing a tennis ball to your PJs to discourage you from reverting back to your usual sleeping position while you rest.

Manage allergies – If you suffer intermittent sleeping problems they could be related to allergies. For instance, on days with a high pollen count, your throat may swell in response, causing difficulty breathing at night when the muscles in your neck are relaxed. Consider talking with your doctor if you feel this might be the case.

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