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Amazing backyard ideas

#Collaborative post We’ve been spending a lot more time at home recently, just like everyone else. That has prompted us to consider non-traditional applications of artificial grass! Many individuals believe that artificial grass is not for them unless they have a large backyard that they can completely cover. As a …

4 Eco-friendly Options to Consider For Your Home’s Flooring

#Collaborative post Image credit Your home’s flooring should not take away from the environment with much emphasis on sustainability and eco-friendly practices. Fortunately, flooring manufacturers are moving towards green technology. A survey revealed that 3 out of 5 Brits love to change or replace their homes’ flooring whenever they get …

5 Wellness Focused Interior Design Tips for Your Bedroom

#Collaborative post Wellness has such a broad meaning. We are talking about wellness when it comes to nutrition, fitness, social connections and mindfulness.  But have you ever wondered that mindfulness could also translate to our interiors?  That`s right. Becoming aware and making choices towards a healthier life can also cover …