Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Monday Misery!

Well today is Monday… what does that mean? Well it means the weekend is over and the weekly rush begins again! The little monkeys went to have fun today at nannies whilst i had to endure work, boo! To make matters worse we was all getting ready to go home …

Wedding Preparation

Well today’s the day, my big sister is getting married! Both myself and Kayleigh are bridesmaids along with another little girl so its time to dress up and look pretty, however i don’t normally do dresses/skirts i’m more of a jean type of person but i’m going to try the …

Friday Feeling!

Woohoo its Friday!Ok ok i admit i love Friday’s just because i don’t work them! I do Monday – Thursday and its 4 days too many in my opinion but never mind.I’m sure though i do more on a Friday than i do during the week! No matter how many loads …

New blogger alert!

Well, many other mummies I know have a blog (looking in the direction of my fellow Madeformum’s CM’s! ) so I thought why not have a go! Then I thought am likely to be any different to all the other blogs (not that there is anything wrong with other blogs …