Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

10 Months to go!

A bit late this month with our countdown and its going so fast however I’m not really getting anywhere! I’m just going round in circles chasing my tail. My problem is I’m so indecisive so this month I’m going to make myself a little to do list and hopefully I …

11 Months to go!

Ok, where did the last month to?! I’ll be honest I’ve not really done that much on the wedding front but that is mainly as we are so organised. As I mentioned in our 12 month post, we have already booked our venue. This one was a bit of a …

Wedding to do list

So we are less than a year till the big day and I still have a list as long as my arm of things that need to be done! Plus the wedding dreams have started, last night I dream’t they wouldn’t allow us to get married after we got to …

12 Months to go!

Ok first wedding post on the blog… eek! Our wedding is now less than 12 months away and it is quiet scary how quick it is going. So I thought the first post would be a bit better to post about the things we have managed to achieve rather than …