Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Dear Kayleigh… The day you turned 8

Dear Kayleigh,

Yesterday was the day you turned 8, the day you have been counting down and planning for.

As you have got older you have got more and more into planning your whole birthday. From where to have your party, who was invited and to what cake you wanted.

You can tell your growing up now though as your cake wasn’t a character cake, it was a 4 layer half and half cake, in case people didn’t want chocolate they could have vanilla. Thinking of others before yourself as always.

Your top wish for your birthday was a lava lamp, not a toy.

The last year you have grown more into a little lady than a child. You’ve changed into your junior school now and are learning so much every day. So much so that you don’t seem to catch a breath between sharing what you have learnt.

We are so proud of you and I’ve lost count of the amount of times you have made me feel like my heart is going burst as it is so proud of you.

Keep on loving life and all the learning you are absorbing but most of all, carry on being you.

Lots of love

Mummy & Daddy


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