Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)


We are very pleased to announce that this year we are part of Netflix’s new streamteam!

This means every month we will be bringing you the latest news from Netflix as well as seasonal items too!

This months posts is all about getting fit with Netflix.

Now I’m always saying I’m going to get fit, work out more, eat better blah blah blah but I always find an excuse not to. Mainly I just haven’t got enough time.

Poor excuse Paula!

Netflix have teamed up with fitness expert Niki Wibrow to give you that fitness encouragement to get you on the right path. What’s better is they can be fitted around your favourite tv program on Netflix.

I was very lucky to manage to have a quick chat with Niki last week as to what was the best way to work out with such little time plus the shoulder injury I still have.

What she said was so true, everyone has a 10 minute break at some point during the day so why not use it to push yourself to get fit?

Starting of with 10 minute work outs 3 times a day then building it up where you can is an effective workout to help build your stamina and tone your muscles.

So what’s your excuse for not getting fit? You don’t have one now as below is one of Niki’s videos which you can join in with whilst catching up with your favourite shows in the evening! You can subscribe to their youTube page for more great videos.

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