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Half way catch up on my 2018 goals

As we are fast approaching the half way point of 2018 I thought now would be a good time to catch up on my goals for 2018 and see how I’m getting on.

These goals were not set to make me feel like a failure but there to give me a push in achieving things that I know I am more than capable of doing!

So how have I got on?

Personal goals –

  1. Make Friday night family night again – We are still not being consistent on this however we have been sitting down as a family throughout the week catching up on our favourite recorded programs which has been lovely!
  2. Lose 1 ½ stone – Nope – my diet was terrible over the weekend, improvement is much needed on this!
  3. Take time out – I have been taking more time out however I’ve not been organised in doing it so having to rush around on blog work around it rather than planning and scheduling, this one needs a bit more work.
  4. Clear debts – Still working on this however I’m really pleased with where we are with this, just need to keep going the same way!

Work goals –

  1. Double my monthly stats – Still someway off this, not really tried anything new so I want to come back to this in the next few months and focus on this a bit more.
  2. Break the 1 million reaches on Pinterest – Smashed this one already, now up to 2.4 million and still climbing, this is my favourite platform of them all.
  3. Increase my income – Every year I set myself a target of doubling last years income from my blog. I managed it last year and this year is a big ask however I am on target now. The only downfall I have at the moment is getting consistent work, so this is the target for the next 6 months.
  4. Focus more on content and less on reviews – Failing at the minute, I am still plodding from one post to the next, so I have to get more organised on this however with my new job I should be able to do this!
  5. Consider writing about Pinterest for the blog – I haven’t really written much however I have wrote a post on how I increased my Pinterest reach from 5k to 255k in two months and also how to crack Pinterest as a blogger. I still have a lot to learn though so this one is still work in progress.

It’s a bit of a mixed bag of results on my goals so far however there is still 6 months to turn things around. I’m not too disappointed though as there has been some major achievements and changes that have happened in the first 6 months of 2018.

I’ve collaborated with some big brands such as Laura Ashley (you can see this blog post here) and Musclefood on a press post. Being able to work with such highly thought after brands has been amazing.

In the last 4 weeks there has also been some changes on the work front too and I am about to start a new role which is term time only. This will give me time to focus on family and the blog but also give me a steady income to release some of the pressure.

2018 has been a good year so far, now just to smash the last of the goals and push on!

Half way catch up on my 2018 goals

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