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When is the right age for children to use technology?

Technology is everywhere these days, there is no escaping it really.

Personally I have no problem with technology and what it bring0, as so much of it helps to improve our everyday lives, but when does it become the right time to introduce children to technology.

Now back when I was in school (no there wasn’t chalkboards at that point) ICT lessons we’re in classrooms with the old clumpy computers, for something like an hours lesson every week.

Kayleigh and Ethan however have already been learning how codes work on computers and have been making presentations on PowerPoint and so much more, they are only in years 2 & 3 at school!

They are wiser to technology than I was growing up. It just seems to come naturally to them for some reason. Maybe it is as they are surrounded by technology, its become second nature.

However do you think there is ever the right or wrong time to introduce children to technology? My personal opinion is it depends on each child and the boundaries you set but it is a topic that always gets parents and “experts” talking about.

Like I said above Kayleigh and Ethan have iPad’s however they both have restrictions on which include not being able to make in app purchases, no YouTube and no safari on their iPad’s. They don’t need it at their age to play the games they wan to play. Nor do they need to be able to sit watching things on YouTube that rolls into something completely different to that they were watching!

The only thing that does worry me with technology though is the kids lack of care with it! I’ve lost count the times I’ve found an iPad on a chair waiting for someone to sit on it or my phones been dropped. I definitely need something like this collection of iphone 7 cases to help protect my screen and phone from any drops or bumps as I am sure my two have no understanding at how expensive it can be!

Screen time is also not limited in this house. Partly because it is a bit contradictive when I am blogging or playing online games etc however also because I trust Kayleigh and Ethan to know the limits. They know they have homework to do, they have reading time every day and love to get involved in other things like baking, drawings and board games.

For me it is all about building independence and understanding about the world of technology within a safe environment.

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