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Our weekly meal plan – 29/05/17

Another Monday, another meal plan. However, how can it be June in just a few days?!

With a freezer bursting with bits to use up and me finally getting back into the kitchen this week is all about homemade food. I was trying to cut the food spend this month which you may have read over on my money site Savvy Squirrel but it has been a bit of a disaster. So it’s back to basics and good home-cooked food for us this week.

Monday –

Chilli jacket potatoes – This with yummy salad will be perfect as its a bit muggy here still.

Tuesday –

Cod and potatoes – We picked up some cod from Costco recently and it looks amazing. Can’t wait to have this!

Wednesday –

Chicken rogan – Using our beef rogan recipe but adjusting it for the chicken instead, it is delicious!

Thursday –

Chicken wraps – simple to make and super quick.

Friday –

Pancakes – Not for me as I’m not a fan of them however everyone else loves them.

Saturday –

Homemade pizza – Never made it but we are going to give it a go.

Sunday –

Roast – Again a roast of some sort. Not sure yet what we will have with it but we will see how the weather is on that day.

So this is what we have cooking this week, what is on your meal plan this week?

If you have a great pizza base recipe or know a good one please pop it in the comment box below so we can give it a go!

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