I’ve been thinking a lot lately about this, do you think there really is such a thing as working mum’s guilt?
I know from a personal perspective i feel guilt every day, every day when i drop them at the grandparents i wonder what they’ll be up to that day, then i sit and wonder when they get older whether they will think i abandoned them to go to work or whether they will actually remember it.
There was nothing worse than returning to work after having Kayleigh to come home again and find she’s learnt something new or that instead of taking one wobbly step she’s taken 5 consecutive steps. It was that feeling of i should have been there, i should have been the one to see it.
Admittedly it was a little bit easier when i went back to work after having Ethan as they had each other but I’m still anxious I’m going to miss his 1st proper little walk (yep he’s STILL not walking) or his 1st words.
I also think about all the classes and groups i could be taking them to yet its nannies that get the chance to watch them play and interact with other children.
I am grateful though for what we have and I’m lucky enough to be able to pick Kayleigh up from pre-school 2 afternoon’s a week with all the other mummies which i love as its lovely watching her come out in her little uniform with a big smile on her face pleased to see me.
And that is one of the best bits picking them both up and them running (crawling) to give you the biggest cuddle & kiss and tell you they’ve missed you. That makes me remember why i work, to be able to keep a roof over our heads and give them the best start in life i can 🙂