Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Blogging to help others

It’s that grand old question, why do you blog? Is it for the freebies or a financial gain? Do you just enjoy expressing yourself or is it to help others? Until last night I enjoyed just blogging out about how our life was with a few reviews and competitions thrown …

End of an Era

That’s it, we’ve come to an end of an era in our house hold. No longer do I have any babies. Kayleigh in her 4d Scan and not long after being born.                     Ethan’s 4d scan and not long after being born. …

New Childline Campaign

When I was contacted by the PR company for Childline to ask if I would be interested in helping promote their new campaign, I admit, I was honored. Everyone knows of Childline and the amazing work they do. To be given a chance to promote them, even if it’s just …

Pre-School Jitters

So it’s that time of the year when everyone’s babies become little people and start on their journey to becoming independent people. Kayleigh started pre-school back in May when she turned 2 1/2. We pay for her to attend 7 hours a week, spread over 3 afternoons. I wont lie, it …