Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

We’re Home!

Welcome to our new home! First of all if you can read this then … Horray! Its taken a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get to this point, mainly over the design of the blog! I wanted something cheerful but also something that reflected me. I was never …

My baby boy walks!

First of all blog and anyone reading i apologize for abandoning you this week. One word to describe my week… Hectic! I’ve just about kept my head above water with my reviews… 🙁 I’ve had office moves going on at work, I’ve been poorly, Ethan’s been puking and pooping for …

I don’t like that!

Anyone that knows Kayleigh will know that she is possibly a human dustbin, she would easily dispose of any food you put in front of her, fish, meat, rice, pasta, curries and anything else you could think of. That was until a few weeks ago, now every dinner time we …